Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Gifts for All

Every year as we prepare our Christmas gift list for the Crossing Church, I wince as I see that our list has, again, grown. This year’s list had more than 150 names, for whom Granny’s House is their very favorite place to be after school . Not to mention all the hard work Angie Azzanni pours into preparing, not just a simple list of names on a piece of paper, but lovingly makes a wooden Christmas ornament bearing the name of each and every Granny’s House kid so that the person at The Crossing who “adopts” that kid for Christmas can keep the ornament long after the holidays as a ready reminder to continue praying for that one child throughout the year. What a blessing to know that our kids are not only being blessed with gifts for Christmas but their names are being called out in prayer to our Father throughout the year. –Granny Pam