Recently, “Jerome” and “LaTisha,” rather unceremoniously, delivered an envelope to our upstairs office. When we opened it, the card inside seemed to shout our thoughts: HALLELUJAH!! There were fifteen, crisp, twenty-dollar bills tucked inside. We had never before received a donation from a Granny’s House family, so their gift felt a lot like winning the lottery!!
For years, we had been observing a “million” different changes in this family’s lifestyle that affected how they spent their time, their resources, and how they nurtured their children. They methodically spoon-fed their kids every single morsel of God’s Truth and love that they were absorbing themselves, filling the kids with hope and a deep sense of purpose. The image that was immerging came from God’s mirror rather than what is all-too-often reflected in the culture around them.
Their crisp twenty-dollar bills seemed to signal that “Jerome,” and “LaTisha” and their children, were no longer prisoners to “the system,” but had become active participants in a pursuit to bring the reality of changed lives into public housing – people who live out the reality of the Gospel. And to that, we say “Hallelujah!”
-Granny Pam