It's 6am, and in about 1 hour, 32 Granny's House kids and 4 Granny's House staff will be begin our 5 hour adventure to Kids Across America! The kids are beyond excited, and one first year camper told me he was going to be waiting up at Granny's House at 5:30am (even though he doesn't technically have to be ready to go until 7am!). We will update you on our trip once we get home on July 27th, but in the meantime, please pray for our kids! In the past God has done some incredible things at camp, and I'm sure this year will be no different.
This year's camp "theme" is based on Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Please pray for transformed hearts and minds as the kids are literally soaked in God's love for 8 solid days!
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