Friday, July 18, 2008

Power Shopping?

These eager shoppers arrived Wednesday afternoon ready to power-shop, some arriving hours before the doors of this unique specialty “store” even opened. “I wonder if the blue look-alike shirts are still there… is that green swim towel with the brown monkeys still there?” swirled through their minds.

This unique specialty store is actually an integral part of our preparation to take thirty-two young people to Kids Across America Kamp (KAA). Since January, these excited kampers have been showing up for “KAA Work Days” to earn points to “spend” at the Kamp Store. The kids do anything from spreading mulch in the front yard to organizing craft supplies in the Activities Room to earn those coveted “Kamp Points.” They can, potentially, earn enough points to purchase every single item on their official “KAA Kamp List” from our little two-room “store:” one room for boys and one for girls.

At Granny’s House, we are always looking for creative ways to help the kids understand that they are unique and oh-so-valuable to us and to God; that they have been infused by God with gifts, talents, and strengths; that they are Victors not victims. We long to establish in the forefront of their thinking the relationship between work and provision. The kids are actually empowered by knowledge that they will have the opportunity to provide everything they need for the trip: everything from t-shirts, basketball shorts, and swim towels to rolling duffel bags and insect repellent – it’s all available at the KAA Kamp Store!

I’ll never forget the day we rolled off the bus upon our arrival at KAA a few years ago. As one of the college student counselors helped us unload our bags, he commented,
“…nice bags! Did someone donate them?” I quickly responded, “Oh no… the children bought them!”

All-too-often, benefits doled out to people living in public housing come with some level of stigma or shame attached. But not so with the Kamp Store! The kids are proud to know that they worked hard to provide their own Kamp gear – an invaluable lesson we believe will stick with them for the rest of their lives! -Granny Pam

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