Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day

If there is one thing the kids at Granny's House love to's make things for their mom! On a daily basis, I hear "Can I paint a picture for my mom?" or "Can I make an extra craft and give it to my mom?" It's pretty sweet.

Altrusa International for two years now has captured this idea perfectly by providing (for lack of a better term) a "picture studio" in which they take pictures of each child and allow the kids to decorate a picture frame for their mom! The kids love that they have a gift for their mom on Mother's Day, and usually end up running home right away to give it to their mother early!

A big thank you to all the women of Altrusa who not only provided all the materials and "man power" but also provided pizza for all the kids (which if you know our a HUGE deal!)

Thank you again to everyone who showed so much love to the kids!