We’ve known Granny’s House mom, Leesha, for about eight years now and have been awed by the incredible changes that have happened in her life during that time. She literally immersed herself in everything “GOD,” and immediately began to model and spoon-feed her children all that she was experiencing. She surrounded herself with brand new Christ-following peers that reflected the night-to-day changes that had occurred in her life, all while finishing cosmetology school and starting work at a new salon.
It was several years ago that I first learned the depth of the profound changes that had happened in her family. The realization came as I read a note her young daughter had written in a Precious Jewels meeting at Granny’s House. Her love letter to the Lord began: “Dear God, thank you so much for changing my mom…” She then outlined the many ways her mom’s relationship with the Lord was affecting their family life.
After reading that note, it was clear that Leesha was reordering just about every aspect of her life to make plenty of room for her relationship with the Lord. Her heart was ablaze with love for Him and she wanted everything in her home to mirror that.
We were overjoyed when we learned of her engagement to Eric… this was, after all, our very first Granny’s House wedding since opening in 2001 and we felt honored to be a part of their big day at Leesha’s church, The Church of the Covenant.
When Leesha’s journey with Christ began all those years ago, we never imagined the dramatic changes that were to unfold in her family… changes that included not only a Godly husband, but a man who lovingly “fathers” her five children. It was, indeed, a grand day for us all – full of joy and lots of tears. ~Granny Pam
*The following photos are courtesy of Bethany Jones