Friday, January 8, 2010

A Season of Firsts!

I don’t think we’ve ever experienced so many FIRSTS! at Granny’s House in such a short span of time. This past holiday season was mixed and mingled with oh-so-much joy as each event unfolded before us...

Part 1: The First “FIRST” - A Mission Trip to Jamaica

One of our sixteen-year-olds, Arianna Prince, accompanied by Granny’s House Program Coordinator, Angie Azzanni, is headed for Jamaica for their very first overseas mission trip this February. Everyone is so excited that you’d think we were all going along with them!

Arianna, a Princess Academy graduate, has been involved in Caleb -The Science Club as well as the club’s advanced summer Anatomy Worshops for several years now. Her growing passion for medical science and her compassion for people have landed her a spot on Dr. Kent Willett’s Jamaica mission team. They depart for St. Elizabeth on February 5th where they will join other MMI (Medical Missions International) team members in running

Arianna has been enrolled at Granny’s House for nearly eight years, and I’ll never forget the day I met her… or was it her identical twin, Brianna, that I met first? I vividly remember her pigtails, adorned with an array of crayon-colored barrettes... and who could ever forget that mischievous little sparkle in her eyes?

And now, eight years later, as we send her off to Jamaica with Angie, I can still only distinguish these twins’ personalities, but not their faces. They are “the” definition of the word “identical.” I’m so glad that only one of them is headed to Jamaica!! - Granny Pam

Angie Azzanni (left) wih Arianna Prince (right) at Kids Across America Kamp (KAA) circa 2005

Angie, (top right) with Arianna, (back row, 2nd from left), and her identical twin, Brianna, (3rd from right) at a Princess Academy meeting

Arianna, examining a pig heart with “Poppi” (Dr. Ellis Inram) during a recent Caleb - The Science Club meeting at the University of Missouri School of Medicine