Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Granny's House Store!

One of our goals at Granny's House, is to teach the kids that hard work...equals provision. They all have such amazing gifts and talents, and we want to show them that they can use those gifts to glorify God through their work!

Because of this, for the past few months, the kids have been earning "points" at Granny's House by cleaning, taking out trash or helping with random chores we might have. Their points are posted on a wall, and everytime they complete a task, points are awarded!

Recently, the children were given "paychecks" based on their points, which could be "cashed in" for Granny's House dollars to be used in a Granny's House store! The store featured toys, clothes, balls, and several household items, and the kids were really excited to purchase items for themselves using their hard earned cash!

We are hoping to provide a store every month for the kids!!!